Gariepy was born around 1824 and entered the service of the Hudson’s Bay Company in 1841 at Sorel, Quebec. He served as a middleman at Stikine before being transferred to Fort Victoria in 1843 where he assisted in the construction of the new fort. In 1844 Finlayson reprimanded Gariepy following an incident involving "a Milbank Indian who had his arm severely injured by the brutality of a scamp the name of Garipie". In March of the following year Gariepy was the subject of the first recorded application of corporal punishment at Fort Victoria when Finlayson administered 3 ½ dozen lashes for mistreating 'a Native lad' and then attacking him (Finlayson). Gariepy was, as a result, sent to Fort Vancouver in irons. It's not recorded how or when he returned to Fort Victoria. Though no marriage is recorded in the Journal, a reference to 'Garipie's wife' occurs on May 10, 1848, when her death was noted – apparently a victim of the measles epidemic. Gariepy retired from the service of the Company in 1850, when he may have moved to the Oregon Territory.